One of such instances is occuring now in light of the Quebec government's Bill 94, which aims to deny essential services to women wearing Niqab (face veil worn by many muslim women). The point here is not whether Niqab is Fardh or sunnah...it is not a matter of your personal preferences, rather, a matter of standing up for what is right and protecting the liberties of all, regardless of your personal beliefs or practices.
No/Non Bill 94 Week of Action
"Bill 94, is being touted by the Quebec Government as a step toward gender equality. If Premier Charest’s government is truly committed to gender equality it must foster a safe and inclusive society that respects a woman’s right to make decisions for herself. Standing up for women’s rights is admirable. "Rescuing" women is paternalistic and insulting.
This further marginalizes Muslim women who wear niqab and denies them access to social services, economic opportunities and civic participation, which is unacceptable and oppressive. Forcing a woman to reveal part of her body is no different from forcing her to be covered. We demand that Bill 94 be withdrawn immediately, as it has no place in a democratic state that values autonomy, liberty and justice. In light of the Bill 94 hearings starting up again, we are calling on all coalition members to help us spread awareness about and mobilize against Bill 94."
The above is an address from the Non/no bill 94 Coalition, an action group created in opposition to the bill.
For more information concerning the Non/no bill 94 coalition and what you can do to support this movement visit http://nonbill94.wordpress.com/resources/
To sign a petition created to prevent the passing of this bill visit:
(may have to copy&paste the URL...link isn't working, sorry!)
"Think globally, act locally" Apathy is unacceptable.