I attended a workshop today called Workshop Facilitation 101: a workshop about conducting effective workshops. The facilitator conducted a spoken word workshop within this workshop to exemplify how to conduct workshops and asked us to write a spoken word piece in 6 minutes as one of the activities. This is what I came up with...
The earth has been split before
Shaken into awareness
given new life
taught to see through new eyes
This earth you call your mother
but treat as your child
now she crys
shaking, quivering
and you feel it as if she resides inside you
I feel it like she clings to my womb,
kicking for new life
And I know I must, we must, perpare ourselves
for her rebirth
in the aftermath of yesterday,
Our world painted blood-red from the moment,
the colour of history,
the colour of injustice,
the colour of tears,
I haven't been in labour like this before
but for you I will,
even though I know your will is to bury me one day
you have carried me for too many (of those days)
to turn away now
So the next time you decide to split I won't
because the earth has been split before
and I am shaking into awareness.
Re: Japan 03/11/2011