Saturday, September 19, 2009



I burn with the burden of billions of hunger pangs but know not how to cook relief
I yearn to be an opportunistic chef and whip up a digestible solution
I shiver with a chill born from broken shelter and exposure to our sweet "fresh air"
They yearn for the privilege of recycled air, and a mere blanket to cover adversity.

I run with the rage of ignited passion for reform, to inform of the worlds ways and the ways we can make way for world change
You run away from the pain of knowing pain, from feeling anything estranged from superficial pleasures in your day,
--you sweet escape into the so-called utopia invisible to eyes of the forgotten.

There is a secret choice we all make that is foreign to the knowledge of all other than two beings--God and our own souls...
It is the choice to carry the world on our backs.
I backpack the world and whenever I do not ache of it I wonder if I've dropped a piece of us, perhaps forgotten a piece of us to lighten my own load, to make it easier to bear.
...a convienece to my own soul.

Truth is, pieces of humanity have been dropped since the beginning of time.
You can find history on the floor beside the misery of suffering.
You can find it behind bars in a cell of innocent inmates.
Within wombs nursing a soon-to-be aborted child who could have changed the world.
We call these accidents, but truly they are turning points. the choice to be misinformed.

Education is the greatest gift to a nation for it breeds freedom.
Oppression only plagues a mind without the tools of independent thought,
A heart without the intentions of sacrifice for God,
A soul devoid understanding of its purpose.

So turn rage of injustice into action for a cause and its impact will first be seen in you.
I can bore you with numbers, urge you with shocking images but I won't because the need for this revolution cannot be calculated or viewed.
It must be felt within your being.

Ignite the world with philanthropic flame, then invite the world to your fiery passion.
Your mark on the world can be a mere ambiguous scratch inspiring nothing or a brilliant mural reminding the masses to recognize and preserve life

I refuse to be ambiguous in this world.
I refuse the ever-persistent offer of ignorance and oblivion and delve into peace and pavilions of thought where ideas are born and craddled to grow into hope
where action trumps distraction and conquers laziness of the soul

I pray to fight harder against myself for myself everyday
I'm grateful for the recognition that being a fighter is a part of what makes me human
It is an ancient struggle...
may generations live it better than generations before until the earth boils.

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